Thursday, January 04, 2007

"On Faith and Reason" Dialogue: Wednesdays, Beginning Jan. 10

In a world where religion is poison to some and salvation to others, how do we live together? As part of a national conversation on Faith and Reason, the Pendleton Baha'i Community will host a discussion group seeking fresh perspective on the impact of religion on our lives, and invites you to take part in a dialogue that will resonate with the religious, the non-religious, and those in between. PLEASE JOIN IN A DISCUSSION OF FAITH AND REASON WEDNESDAY EVENINGS STARTING JANUARY 10, 7:00 PM AT THE PENDLETON BAHA'I CENTER, 1015 SE COURT PLACE. The discussion is an extension of the broadcast of PBS's new series Bill Moyers on Faith and Reason. For more infornmation, please contact the Baha'is of Pendleton, 276-9360.