Monday, August 25, 2008

Cluster participants enumerate goals

Baha'is from several locations in our Teaching Cluster recently met in Walla Walla for a mid-summer discussion of teaching strategy within our cluster, and also to share food and fellowship. Enjoying pasta, soup, salad and a variety of desserts in a spacious air-conditioned facility, Baha'is from Athena, Boardman, greater Walla Walla County, Pendleton and Walla Walla reasoned out the following actions:

1. Create an email list of Baha'is in the cluster to overcome the communication barrier of our wide geographical distribution.

2. Create a password-protected chat room for Baha'is in the Cluster to discuss strategy and strengthen our personal ties.

3. Contact local service groups and involve ourselves with them. Individuals who believe in service to mankind may be among the most ready for direct teaching, and indirect teaching is provided by individual Baha'is in service roles.

4. Identify a target group with the greatest readiness to hear the Message of the Faith in each local community.

5. Individually designate a prayer time for teaching efforts and potential Baha'is for whom prayers might be offered.

We left with prayers, sated appetites and an especially gorgeous sunset gracing our return to Pendleton.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Rainn Wilson, From 'Office' Drone To 'Rocker' Star

Rainn Wilson was interviewed by National Public Radio's Terry Gross on Fresh Air from WHYY, Philadelphia, on July 30, 2008. Reprinted below is a short article about the aspiring Baha'i actor. To download the 32 minute radiocast, click this NPR link.

While his Office character may take himself seriously, actor Rainn Wilson seems to be all about the laughs. Wilson plays beet-farming, archery-loving middle-management kook Dwight Shrute on the NBC hit television series. Now, Wilson is trading his crossbow for a guitar in the new film The Rocker. In The Rocker, Wilson plays a failed hair-metal musician. After he's kicked out of his band, the group goes on to achieve great success. But when he joins his nephew's garage band, he gets a second chance at fame. Wilson made his breakthrough as an actor playing an eccentric mortician on the HBO series Six Feet Under. He has also appeared in the films Almost Famous, Galaxy Quest, and Juno.

House passes resolution condemning the persecution of Baha'is in Iran

From the official website of the Baha'is of the United States*

August 1, 2008

The U.S. House of Representatives has passed a resolution condemning the persecution of the Baha’is in Iran. H. RES. 1008 is the tenth congressional resolution since 1982 on the Baha’is in Iran. “The passing of this resolution is particularly timely given the escalation of attacks against the Baha’is in Iran in recent months,” said Ms. Kit Bigelow, Director of External Affairs for the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of the U.S. “This includes a series of arson attacks on the homes and vehicles of Baha’is, and the arrests in March and May of the seven members of Iran’s national Baha’i coordinating group. They are being held in Evin Prison in Tehran without any charges and without access to an attorney or to their families.” The congressional resolution condemns the government of Iran for its state-sponsored persecution of Baha’is; calls on Iran’s Parliament to reject a proposed Islamic penal code, and calls on the Iranian regime to immediately release ten imprisoned Baha’is. “This is government-sponsored persecution,” said Rep. Mark Kirk (IL-10), who introduced the resolution. “And we in the Congress should not be silent as Iran sets up the mechanism to ethnically cleanse its Baha’i minority, totaling over 250,000 human beings.” “It sends a strong signal that Congress will continue to watch closely the treatment of the Baha’i people in Iran,” said Rep Howard L. Berman (CA-28), who is the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee and co-sponsored the resolution. “We are deeply grateful that the U.S. House of Representatives has passed this resolution, which speaks up for those who are unable to have their voices heard in their homeland. We look forward to the day when the Iranian Baha’is will have their human rights restored and be able to contribute as equal citizens to the advancement of the country and the global community which they love,” said Ms. Kit Bigelow. Details about the resolution, including additional statements made on the House floor, are posted here. _____________________________________________________________________________________ * For the original text, and to find and contact your local representative, follow this link: